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About us

Our mission is to empower students with the knowledge and tools they need to make informed financial decisions and achieve their monetary goals. We realized that the American education system is largely insufficient in preparing students for adulthood when it comes to financial literacy and wealth generation, so through our newspaper, newsletter, and podcast, we strive to educate, inspire, and guide students on their journey to financial literacy. We will provide valuable information on economics, entrepreneurship, budgeting, investing, and many more topics. Our goal is to break down the world of finance so students will be financially literate when entering adulthood.

The Founders

Mathias Rhee

I am a Senior at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo. During my free time, I love to play tennis with friends and family, as well as watch TV shows. I created the Finance For Students Organization alongside my cousin Gavin Chang and we hope to inform students about personal finance. 

Gavin Chang

I am a current Senior at Junípero Serra High School, and I co-founded the Finance For Students organization along with Mathias. In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with friends, listening to music, lifting weights, and running. I am excited to help fill the gaps in the American education system and prepare students for financial independence.

The Editors

Ian Ting

I am a current Senior at Junipero Serra High School based in San Mateo, CA. My hobbies include playing tennis and reading the news. I am proficient in macro and microeconomics as well as the finance world in general. I look forward to writing and editing for the FFS newspaper.

Allen Bryan

My name is Allen Bryan and I attend Junipero Serra high school in San Mateo, CA. I believe that the ability to write is fundamental to everything I want to pursue in life. As the editor of the school newspaper, editor in chief of a personal student-run magazine, and now editor of the FFS newspaper, I believe these skills can translate to the fields of biology and medicine. As an aspiring researcher, it is crucial to be able to get my thesis across through my research papers which I hope can prove beneficial to the general public in the future. In my free time, I like to run and lift big weights.

The Writers

Colten Danielson

I am a Senior student at Junipero Serra High School who has always had a passion for business, economics, and finance. I hope to help teach what I have learned about these things to others as I myself learn more about the world of business!

Oluwatomisin Adenakan

Hi, my name is Tomi Adenekan and I am a Senior at Hillsdale High School. The topic of finance has always been the subject of my interest as it’s fascinating how a singular subject has so many far-reaching consequences. In my free time, I like coding, running, and playing basketball with friends.

James Urrutia

As a current Senior at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo and an Australian citizen, I provide a unique viewpoint on global events and economics in relation to America. My hobbies include playing tennis and playing the saxophone. I am grateful to write for the FFS Newspaper and look forward to what can be achieved.

Henry Eaton

I am a Senior at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo, where I play Water Polo, Swim, and Dive. I also enjoy hiking and skiing in Tahoe and Utah. I believe it is valuable to understand the economy and how it affects the future of America.

Leo Buss

Like many of my other writing peers, I am a current high student enrolled in Serra High School in San Mateo, California. However, as a German dual citizen who has lived in Germany for multiple years, I offer an idiosyncratic and distinct perspective on world economics and business. I hope that can impart this different perspective on my writing and give others a unique insight into how many European folks view events in America and around the world. 

Alden Santoso

I am currently a Senior at Junipero Serra High School. In addition to finance, I enjoy swimming, making beats, practicing violin, or playing Kirby in SSBU. I hope to contribute to FFS by connecting my own passions with the world of finance and helping contribute to financial literacy in the community.

Jake Turner

I am a student at Junipero Serra High School with an interest in business and economics. My other passions include film, journalism, and the arts. I also love to run, swim, bike, ski, and play tennis. I hope to add whatever value to the FFS newspaper I can.

Aeneas Bufiy

I am a high school student at Junipero Serra High School in San Mateo, CA. I’m a self-proclaimed political junkie with an interest in economics and finance, as I’ve found it’s one of the greatest motivators behind domestic and international policy. In the rare free time that I have you’ll find me spending time with friends, playing video games, or listening to music. I’m excited to delve deeper into the business and finance world and find out how these factors affect everyday people.

Gabriel Rhee

I am a student at Bowditch Middle School. When I am not in school, I enjoy playing tennis and video games.